GenerativeComponents Help

Indexing Into a List Value

Every member of a list value can be referenced by its index (its numeric position within the list). The index of the first member is zero.

To access a member of a list by its index, follow the list with the index value enclosed in square brackets.

If you attempt to access a member at an index before the beginning of the list, you get the first member of the list. If you attempt to access a member at an index beyond the end of the list, you get the last member of the list.


If it's given that

myList = {10, {345, -11}, 8, 60}


myList[0] yields the value  10
myList[1]  yields the value    {345, -11}
myList[2]   yields the value     8
myList[3]    yields the value    60
myList[-1]  yields the value    10
myList[-277] yields the value    10
myList[4] yields the value     60
myList[500]  yields the value    60

You can apply further indexing to the result of the index operation, itself:


myList[1]   yields the value  {345, -11}


myList[1][0]  yields the value    345
myList[1][1]  yields the value  -11
myList[1][-18] yields the value    345
myList[1][907]  yields the value    -11